Well, the countdown is definitely on for Christmas. We got our two school programs out of the way. It was a great program and even though it was the same both nights, it was enjoyable.
Our little Brinlee decided that she wasn't going to sing. She just wanted to wear the little lamb's ears and look cute I guess. She did her little dance that she was assigned and that was good, but if Cambree hadn't been sitting by us (in the stands mind you) singing all of the songs we wouldn't have had a child performing on that first night.
So, we wised up the second night and I went to the program with Cambree and my cousin Jordan. Mike stayed home with Brin and Aidan and it was a much more enjoyable program for us all. Cambree sang and participated in all the songs and thought it was grand. This was the night she was SUPPOSED to sing. All in all it was a success!
They had a pretty nativity scene set up and during the program Mary and Joseph and their baby Jesus came and knelt at the manger. It was really neat. So, the girls needed a picture in front of this scene.
A little Aidan update. The day after I posted his head trama, he hit his head again on the same door frame and had another great bruise to add on the forehead. For some reason after that, he ended up with about 3 more bruises. They were travelling around I guess. Anyway, they look a lot better this week, but unfortunately for me, he still thinks that he wants to walk. He is getting better and better...
He also started making car noises when he pushes cars around on the floor and it is SO cute!!! (If I do say so myself.) I tried to video it, but he just wanted the camera and didn't want to perform. Go figure.
Christmas 2009
14 years ago
Cute posts! I'm glad the program turned out so great! Whatever Aiden fell, I know what really happened! :) I love what Brin said. I hope that's not what my girls get for their b-days this year...
OUCH! So is that the story your sticking to Bridgett??? I'll bet it is so cute watching him make car sounds!! He's so cute. Sounds like the second night of your program was much more enjoyable. I've just been BUSY at work lately but all is well. Thanks for your concern. For sure I'm breaking away from work to come next week to dance so we'll see you then if not sooner.
Am I going to have to report Aiden to Health and Welfare?? What is going on at the McBride's? Just kidding. Tahlia is sporting some awesome bruises too from hitting her head on the walls. Fun times.
Stop hitting your poor baby. He is so cute... you are such a mean mean mean mom. Okay totally kidding. You are wild and crazy and I am willing to bet your 3 adorable munchkins got that from YOU!!! Aidan walking and being a big boy is the cutest thing ever and your girls... PRECIOUS!
That is so funny Brinlee decided she wouldn't sing I can totally see my kids doing that. I hear that program is quite the production. My cousin and his wife and baby were Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.
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