Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just a little info...

Aidan can crawl now. It started slowly happening on Monday, but the little wonder is just getting better and better. Keep scrolling and you will get a great little video clip of the SuperStar!
We have had some visitors in our home and they creep me out. Who is this you say? Two little mice that left evidence under our kitchen sink and so after a mild panic attack by me, Mike set two traps and caught the little fellas. Brinlee thought they were such cute little dead guys. I myself was hiding under a blanket to avoid any visual contact with the company. We have reset the traps and I hope we don't get anymore, but I can't hardly stand to be in my home anymore and with a baby on the floor it makes life that much more stressful. So, anyway, that is fun we are having.

Bag Tag!

So, Mic Bag Tagged me and since I don't have a purse--just a wallet that I carry around then I had to take a pic of my diaper bag. So, this is what was inside. A used wet wipe (never know when that can come in handy?!?) A plastic bib, a onesie, a hat, baby toys, a pacifier (our new best friend) fruit snacks, a diaper (of course) two spoons, a penny (for that big spending I do) children's tylenol, sunscreen, wet wipes (fresh ones) hand sanitizer, a packet of formula (because that is sure handy without a bottle present?!?) a jar of baby bananas. Anyway, get your purses ready because I tag: Lisa, Megan A., Maegan H., Katie, Lori, Kitty, Jennifer and Taci!! Let me know what you find...

This is becoming my day...

So, this little video clip is for those of you who don't really believe that my darling little boy has a mean/tempermental side. I figured it out in my head and since Monday (which is when this fun and games began) Aidan spends about 8 or 9 hours a day moving around the house like this. He is slowly getting to me by crawling and it is a long painful trip. He cries and screams the entire time!!! This is just a small taste of what I hear EVERY DAY!! (Luckily he takes a couple of naps to offset the crying...