The newest member of our church...and...the newest member of our family!!
On July 2, 2011 Brinlee was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She was so excited to enter the waters of baptism and be confirmed with the gift of the Holy Ghost. When she came out of the water, she had a shocked look on her face and said to me, "Wow! That was really wet!" Apparently she wasn't expecting to get wet in water?? :) We had a good day and I think Brinlee will make very good choices in her life.
On July 12, 2011 we welcomed our new baby boy into the world. It was kind of a wild day. I was supposed to be induced on the 13th but was debating whether or not I really should. My mom was at girl's camp for the week (she is the stake YW president) and would not be able to come up right away. I was in good hands though because my sister Emily was willing to come whenever I needed her! Mike's mom was also very willing to help where needed and boy did we end up needing her.
I ended up going into labor in the middle of the night on Monday night (Tuesday morning technically). We had Judy come to our house about 4:30 in the morning and we headed up to the hospital. I had him about 10:50 am and went to fast for the Dr. to get in the room so the nurse caught him at an angle and were we ever glad for an experienced nurse!!
July 12 is my grandpa's birthday so we were excited to have such a special little baby born on such a special man's birthday. My grandpa is SO great!! Thanks for sharing your day with our little guy Grandpa!
We have named our new bundle of joy:
He weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz.
and after a couple of measurements we believe he is about 20 or 21 inches long. :)
He is a healthy eater and is so dang cute!
We love him and are excited to have him in our home...
We love him and are excited to have him in our home...